Think20 (T20) is an official Engagement Group of the Group of 20 (G20). It serves as an “idea bank” for the G20 by bringing together think tanks and high-level experts to discuss policy issues relevant to the G20. T20 recommendations are synthesized into policy briefs and presented to G20 working groups, ministerial meetings, and leaders’ summit to help the G20 deliver concrete policy measures.
When the G20 met in Brazil this year, Jyoti Panday of Georgia Tech’s Internet Governance Project joined with Manu Misra and Nicolo Zingales of the FGV Center for Technology and Society to prepare a Policy Brief on Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) and its relationship to national security. Their brief argues that policy makers “need to be cognizant of the risk of questionable assertions of national security, and its inherent tensions with the developmental aspirations of DPI.” Noting that usage of the term “critical infrastructure” has expanded rapidly as a means of screening foreign investment in many G20 states, the Policy Brief urges designating DPI as “critical information infrastructure” must be thought through with caution, in terms of both the degree to which the critical label is applied and the manner in which ‘critical DPIs’ are regulated. Download the Policy Brief here: