Discussion on India’s Non-Personal Data Framework organised by HasGeek
HasGeek is hosting a week of discussion on NonPersonal Data (NPD) from from January 22 – 29 to focus on the future of India’s Non-Personal Data Framework. Jyoti Panday will be moderating a session on “Situating India’s NPD framework within global strategies for data governance” on Wednesday, 27 January at 19:00 India Standard Time (IST) / 13:30 UTC/ 14:30 CET. Panelists include:
- Moderator: Jyoti Panday, Researcher, IGP
- Raegan MacDonald, Head of Public Policy, Mozilla
- Sean McDonald, Senior Fellow CIGI and Co-founder Digital Public
- Annabel Lee, Public Policy Lead for Data, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
To participate in the NPD Week, register here – https://hasgeek.com/PrivacyMode/npd-week/schedule
You can watch the livestream here, and leave comments, before and during sessions on https://hasgeek.com/PrivacyMode/npd-week/comments