Would LINE Become Another TikTok?

April 16, the Japanese government took action against LINE, the most popular messaging app in Japan, following a hacking incident in 2023 that compromised the data of 510,000 users. They issued unusual administrative guidance to LineYahoo, the company operating LINE in Japan, demanding a shareholder restructuring. This guidance called for...

Did AGI write this paper?

An important new research paper by IGP Director Dr. Milton Mueller conducts the first systematic evaluation of the assumptions and logic underlying the fears around Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). The urgency surrounding so-called AI governance is influenced by the belief that AGI could lead to human extinction. Dr. Mueller’s paper...

The Disappointing NETMundial+10

The NETMundial 10th anniversary event was held April 23 and 24 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. As we wrote earlier, “Netmundial was a transformative moment in global internet governance. Inspired by the Snowden revelations, and amplified by the U.S. government’s announcement that it would relinquish its control of ICANN and the DNS root,”...

The Traditional Media’s Role in Sculpting “Truth”: the Originator Profile and Unfair Election Reports

As the global community grapples with various mis/disinformation laws, regulatory frameworks, community standards, and other governance efforts put forward by states, social media companies, and academia, the pivotal role of traditional media and journalists often slips under the radar. The article discusses information integrity efforts in East Asia, including digital...

Surprise! National Security Controls on Drones are Harming National Security

Many government controls on the digital economy are justified by national security claims. Too often, these controls are motivated not by sound cybersecurity principles, but by an archaic economic nationalism. The prevailing idea in the U.S. Defense Department, for example, seems to be that something “made in the USA” is...

IGP to present at National Academies Workshop on Countering Disinformation

Disinformation online, and how it might be addressed, remains a persistent challenge for civil society, firms, and states. Tomorrow, April 10, the National Academies of Sciences will begin a workshop on Evolving Technological, Legal and Social Solutions to Counter Disinformation in Social Media. The workshop will feature two days of...

Yes, it’s a Ban – The Real Story Behind the New TikTok Law

The US Government is seeking new authorities to ban TikTok as a national security threat. If it sounds like deja vu, that’s because it is. In the year and three months since our study debunking the claims that TikTok is a national security threat, no new evidence or arguments have...

Unpacking India’s New AI Advisory

India's government is intensifying its scrutiny of foreign tech companies ahead of national elections.  A recent directive from India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) mandates explicit government permission for deploying “under-tested” or “unreliable” AI models and software for Indian users. The advisory requires AI systems to be labeled...