In anticipation of the upcoming Internet Governance Forum in Hyderabad, India the IGP is releasing the paper, Appraising the Success of the Internet Governance Forum. The paper was written by Dr. Jeremy Malcolm, with some editing and additions by the IGP Scientific Committee. IGP does not wholly endorse the positions taken by Malcolm but is publishing the paper because we believe it raises important points about the degree to which the Internet Governance Forum is fulfilling its mission. We'll be debating and discussing the paper on the IGP blog, feel free to chime in. Our goal is to advance discussion of the IGF's performance in order to contribute to the review of the IGF and the possible renewal of its mandate in 2010.
In this spirit, IGP is concurrently launching an online IGF feedback forum website. The site allows anyone to easily submit and indicate their support for ideas for improving the IGF. It is bottom-up, multistakeholder-driven, collaborative effort – so have at it! Whether your ideas reflect positively or negatively on the IGF, let the Secretariat hear your voice.