The CFR Report on Internet governance: Good intentions. No new ideas

U.S. policy toward Internet governance has not been innovative, or even clearly focused, since 1999. With its wholesale liberalization of telecommunication and information services in the 1980s and '90s, its 1996 Framework for Global Electronic Commerce and its (semi-) privatization of DNS via ICANN, the US took bold moves that...

Internet fragmentation is a ‘law of history’

The following comments represent the personal views of He Baohong, China Academy of Telecommunications Research, Ministry of Information Industry and Technology, Peoples Republic of China, on the topic of “One World One Internet? Integration vs. fragmentation.” That was the title of a panel held at the NCUC Policy Conference at...

Can’t sell your IPv4 numbers? Try leasing them.

In a "policy implementation and experience report" presented at ARIN 31 in Barbados, ARIN's staff noted that they are seeing "circumstances" related to the leasing of IPv4 number blocks.  At the recent INET in Denver, ARIN's Director John Curran alleged that there is a "correlation" between address leasing activity and organizations...

Who needs the ITU when you have a GAC?

If anyone doubted our recurring warnings that ICANN’s GAC is evolving into an intergovernmental organization, they should have come to Beijing for ICANN 46. A new GAC communique was released in the middle of the public comment forum. As people downloaded and read it, they discovered that GAC’s “advice” is...

One World, One Internet: An open discussion…in China

ICANN's Noncommercial Users Constituency, which represents civil society and individuals in the domain name policy making process, has established a traditional of holding policy conferences at ICANN meetings that are usually far more interesting and creative than the official workshops put on by ICANN. The Beijing meeting is no exception....