“New IP” and global Internet governance:
September 23, 15:00 UTC (11:00 US EDT; 17:00 CET)
- Dr. Milton Mueller, Georgia Institute of Technology, Internet Governance Project
- Dr. Richard Li, Futurewei Technologies, Inc. USA
- Olaf Kolkman, Principal – Internet Technology, Policy, and Advocacy at the Internet Society.
The Internet protocols were standardized in the early 1980s, roughly the same time as the first PCs and the first generation of analogue mobile phones. Although there have been many changes and improvements in IETF standards since then, the original IPv4 is still the world’s predominant data communication standard. TCP/IP was an extraordinary success at creating a scalable and globally interoperable data communications; so much so, that even its designated successor, IPv6, has struggled to replace it.
Is it time for a more sweeping change in the standards defining data communication? Is such a change even possible, given the inertia surrounding the world’s convergence on IP? What are we gaining or losing by continuing to rely on the classic Internet protocols?
Some people think it is time to think about change. For nearly two years, technologists at Huawei have been urging the IETF and the ITU to embark on a research program that would explore a complete redesign of the Internetworking protocols of the 1980s. They contend that the current architecture and protocols may not be keeping up with the dramatic changes in information and communication technology. Others are pushing back against that initiative. Some have technical reasons, others are insinuating that standards promoted by China will somehow export Chinese authoritarianism.
This virtual event brings together technologists Richard Li of Futurewei Technologies, Inc. USA and Olaf Kolkman, senior advisor to the Internet Society, for a direct engagement on New IP. The discussion will thoroughly air the reasoning behind both Li’s critique of old IP and the Internet Society’s responses to those critiques. It will also explore the way new standards or a standards battle might affect global Internet governance.
Virtual meeting attendance information:
Wed, Sep 23rd 2020 11:00 AM To 12:30 PM EDT
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