On Jun 1, timed for the NTIA proceeding and Thursday's hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, ICANN released a report of the President's Strategy Commission (PSC), “Improving Institutional Confidence: The Way Forward,” that discusses some of the new accountability measures PSC has been considering, and makes some specific proposals. Three of note:
1. A new mechanism for the community to require the Board to re-examine a Board decision (see Appendix B). As proposed this mechanism would have a high hurdle: it would be invoked by a two-thirds majority vote of two-thirds of the Supporting Organization Councils and two-thirds of members of all the Advisory Committees. For the Governmental Advisory Committee, a consensus statement from all the members present at a physical meeting shall suffice for the purpose of this vote.
2. Rejection of the “nuclear option” of unseating the entire Board (Recommendation 2.9)
3. A slightly strengthened Independent Review Tribunal (see Appendix C). The standards for review of decisions would be improved, but ICANN makes an argument that according to California nonprofit public benefit law, the decision of the review panel cannot be binding on the Board.
IGP will comment in more detail on these proposals when it submits comments to the Commerce Department NOI.
ICANN is Grasping and Gasping at Straws
It does not matter what anyone says to the NTIA. It is a waste of valuable people-time to deal with ICANN. There will not be any new useful TLDs.
If anything, the new reports show that .BIZ and
others should be pulled from the root. They are
mostly just a source of trademark violations, spam, etc.
ICANN is a division of Verisign and will be there as long as the .COM cash cow funds the road shows.
The only way out of that situation is to deploy parallel .COM infrastructure in the spirit of more stability via a duplex database.
People need to show that a simple web-based system can be used. The archaic ICANN system of faulty emails being sent back and forth between Registrars (who never respond) can be dropped.
A better .COM infrastructure operated for FREE
may help to get someone's attention at the NTIA
and with .COM owners. Sending comments and
playing the fool in the ICANN-VERISIGN-GAC
triangle is a waste of time.
The Grand Ayatollah – Vinton Cerf – Calls for End of ICANN JPA/DOC/ITU/Obama/Meddling
Cerf points out that IANA is where the real crown jewels are kept.
Cerf of course also points out what a success the irrelevant massive ICANN machine has become.
Howard Hughes likely thought the Spruce Goose was also a “success”. Maybe ICANN can become a tourist attraction ?
ICANN is history….
Cerf is Now Meddling With the NSF-Funded GENI.NET Projects
Fifth GENI
Engineering Conference July 20-22,
2009 Sheraton Seattle Hotel; Seattle, WA
Hosted by the University of Washington
Baker, Fred Cisco Systems Fellow
Barford, Paul University of Wisconsin Professor
Cerf, Vinton Google VP and Chief Internet Evangelist
Collins, Bradley Clemson University Research Assistant
Evans, Joseph University of Kansas Professor
Freeman, Peter Georgia Tech Emeritus Dean & Professor
Golubitsky, Chaos BBN Technologies System Engineer
Iwata, Atsushi NEC Corporation Senior Manager
Juang, Michael Clemson University Research Assistant
Leasure, Jen The Quilt President
Mergen, John-Francis BBN Sr Tech Dir
Narcho, Graciela National Science Foundation Program Manager
Parmentelat, Thierry INRIA Research engineer
Wang, Kuang-Ching Clemson University Assistant Professor
Yang, Xiaowei Duke University Assistant Professor
Yeh, Henry BBN Technologies GPO Project Manager