An astute reader pointed out that:
At its 36th plenary meeting, on 24 July 2009, the Economic and Social Council decided to defer consideration of the report of the Secretary-General on enhanced cooperation on public policy issues pertaining to the Internet to its substantive session of 2010.
The ITU, in its comments submitted to the UN Secretary-General for a report to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on “Enhanced cooperation on public policy issues pertaining to the Internet,” states that concerning management of critical Internet resources, specifically domain name system security extensions (DNSSEC) root signing authority:
The root signing authority is of critical importance to the security, stability and reliability of the Internet. The role and functions related to policies governing the harmonized and global coordination of such services for country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs) must be assumed by a relevant intergovernmental body with the mandate from Governments and the experience in providing such services so that concerns and interests of sovereign States can be taken into account. This delegation decision could be a result of coordination among all relevant stakeholders, through discussions and debates at appropriate forums such as intergovernmental council meetings. (pg 9)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, ICANN and VeriSign launched a new website on their joint effort (with support of the U.S. Department of Commerce) to sign the root, which they intend to implement by July 2010.
The report you mention is timed last July (not November) and ECOSOC deferred accepting it, because of worries about whether the positions expressed in it were a true reflection of some of the organisations represented.
The document appears to be approved for general distribution Nov 16 2009. I also see no reference of what you refer to in a UNOG account of a July ECOSOC session.
Do you have a pointer to any documents supporting your claim?
Hola estuve revisando tu blog y me parece muy interesante y entretenido, sobre todo que la información es detallada y precisa, espero que sigas posteando más temas para informarnos y comentar.
Déjame felicitarte, que bueno que está tu blog los temas tienen la información exacta que me interesa, sigue posteando más sobre estos temas.
http://www.un.org/ecosoc/docs/2009/Decision%202009-220.pdf which is also page 112 of the document linked here: http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=E/2009/INF/2/Add.1
The document you reference may have been approved for distribution in November, but it is still an *input* document to the earlier meeting, and has to be approved.